7 month CD

Open a CD today!


 4.40% APY1

When you open a CD at Ponce Bank, you're supporting yourself and your community!

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7 month CD

Minimum balance2
No monthly service charge
..Minimum balance
No monthly service charge

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You work hard for your money

Savings accounts at Ponce Bank can let your money work hard for you

Come sit down with us and learn about which savings solution at Ponce Bank can work for you.

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You know your money matters. Ponce makes it matter more.

You know your money matters. And Ponce makes it matter more.

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Invest in your community not climate crisis

Don’t let your money fund Fossil Fuel Developments
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Support a minority-led, minority-founded bank

We’re committed to bringing banking service to people that most large banks ignore
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Bank with purpose

Around $0.80 of every dollar you deposit with Ponce bank creates community financing3
APYs effective as of October 21, 2024
. Products, services, terms, conditions and interest rates subject to change without notice.

1 APY-Annual Percentage Yield. CD is Certificate of Deposit. Rate may change after the account is opened.

2 The minimum balance to open and obtain the APY for this promotional 7-month CD is $1,000. Applies to new deposits only (funds previously not within another Ponce Bank account.). A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals before maturity, and fees may reduce earnings. Offer and rates may change without prior notice. Speak to a representative to learn more.

3 Data pulled from Mighty Deposits as of 4/14/2023 "Your $100 deposit in PONCE BANK creates $80 of community financing versus the NATIONAL BANK INDUSTRY AVERAGE of $37": https://mightydeposits.com/ponce-bank.