Run your business smarter, faster, easier
Our Business Management Services set your business up for success by making it easy to increase sales, save time, and add security.
Increase Security & Reduce Fraud
Check Positive Pay1
Protect the checks your business issues. Check Positive Pay ensures that only pre-approved checks are paid.
You submit an electronic file each day listing the checks your business issued.
As each check is presented for payment, we electronically compare it to the check number, dollar amount, and payee information in your file.
We’ll flag any discrepancy and report it through an email alert.
Log in to Business Online and instantly make a “pay/no pay” decision so you can reject unauthorized payments before incurring loss.
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Increase Security & Reduce Fraud
ACH Positive Pay1
Guard against unauthorized ACH transactions.
Set your own Automated Clearing House (ACH) Authorization Rules by reviewing (ACH Positive Pay), setting filters for (ACH Filter), and blocking (ACH Block) your transactions before they post.
Define your rules indicating which ACH transactions get posted. Any transaction that does not meet your parameters will be flagged for review by you before they are finalized.
Some examples of these parameters include: Originating Company, Maximum Dollar Amount.
You can even set up an ACH filter and Block to automatically block and return transactions that do not meet your filter criteria.
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